I have exciting news!! Faubion School is joining forces with The Right Brain Initiative, an organization that focuses on enhancing academic lessons through artistic & hands-on processes. From their website:
The arts enhance every aspect of education from reading to critical thinking, social skills and motivation. Yet, after decades of extreme budget cuts, creative opportunities have all but disappeared from Portland area schools. Poof. And with them, the bright possibilities percolating in the brain cells of our children. Launched in 2008, The Right Brain Initiative promotes whole brain learning. Our vision is to give every K-8 student in the region access to the arts regardless of neighborhood, language, or income. Through an effort that engages the entire community, we’re creating long-term, lasting change within our school systems. Our program doesn’t replace existing arts education. Instead, the arts are woven into core curriculum, giving teachers new tools to engage students in a creative process that connects back to other subjects. To date, nearly 20,000 students and 59 Portland metro schools in seven school districts are expressing, exploring, imagining, creating and using the full measure of their minds.
How the arts can be utilized with other subject areas is a topic that is very near & dear to my heart. Needless to say, I'm a HUGE FAN of the Right Brain Initiative and I was PSYCHED when Principal Lee asked me to be on the Right Brain Initiative committee! Please check out their website to learn more about the organization and see how they have helped increase test scores through art! I can't wait to see the positive impact this will have on Faubion's students! :]
This is AWESOME!!!